Contesting Place in a Post-colonial Space: Key
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(Re)colonizing Tradition - "Contesting Place in a Post-colonial Space: A Hypertext Guide to the 'Traditional' City of Bhaktapur, Nepal" argues that historical conservation in the Nepalese city of. . .
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A Pedestrian Guide to a "Traditional" City - How can I convey to you Bhaktapur¹s complex fluctuating constellation of practices, discourses, intentions, material objects, and of course people? That is, . . .
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Welcome to Bhaktapur Signs of a Traditional City - The aim of this site is to orient you the reader to Bhaktapur¹s thick web of lived reality. Bhaktapur lies 11 kilometers east . . .
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[1] The Tea Stall at Guhepukhu: Duluwa and the Situationist¹s Derive - After chugging up the hill from the Silaghari Forest area, the express bus from Kathmandu drops you off in Bharbacva, in the northwest edge of Bhaktapur . . .
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[2] Nava Durga Chitra Mandir: Pedestrian Knowledges, or Just Walking Around - Finish your glass of tea, walk out of Chandrayan Sweets and turn to your right. Walk east around the edge of Guhepukhu, past the furniture stores, past the photo shops, and past the steep narrow Tepucva alley. . . .
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[3] Khauma Square: A Hyphenated Place - Bhaktapur¹s old neighborhoods are usually centered around a small square (lachi), with a public water source (tu[n]), temples, and usually a local Ganesh shrine. Where you are standing now . . .
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[4] Tourist Motor Park: Three Social Maps of Bhaktapur - Everyday banal practices do not happen in singularities but create lived patterns of discourse and practice that can be captured in "social maps." Yet all maps lie . . . .
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[5] Indrani Pitha: The Mandala Map (yantrakara khwopa dya: ) - Continue walking back up toward Khauma Square. The building at the bottom of the stairs is the Indrani Pitha [M1], an open shrine to one of Bhaktapur¹s Piga(n)dya: ," these are the group of nine mother goddesses . . .
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[6] Lasku Dhwakha: Economics of Access - Retrace your steps. Walk back up the stairs through the Indrani gate [K]. When you reach Khauma Square turn to your left (east). You are now standing . . .
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[7] Char Dham: The Tourist Map - From the $5.00 admission fee to the small boys who hawk their services as guides, in Bhaktapur when I hear the word "tradition," I reach for my . . .
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[8] Cafe de Temple: Generating Tourism - Just to your right, past the rows of tourist shops, you can see Cafe de Temple Restaurant. Walk through the Marlboro umbrellas, into the building, and up the stairs to the roof garden. Wave down . . .
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[9] Batsala Temple: Constructing Tourist Sites - There is no doubt that many Westerners traveling to Nepal are looking to take from Buddhism and Hinduism what our own culture has tried to exclude from its discourse. They travel abroad . . .
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[10] The Golden Gate: The Government Map - Finish up your drink, and look across the square. Just to the north of the Batsala Temple, in front Bhupatindra¹s pillar, is the Golden Gate (Lun Dhwakha ) [Q], the entrance to the 55-Window Palace [R]. . . .
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[11] City Hall: Opposition Politics - Keeping your left side toward the building, walk around the corner, and jump up on the ledge between the 55-Window Palace [R] and the Loha: dega: [V]. Keep moving. In less than 30 feet . . .
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[12] The Procession Route as Oppositional Stage: Demonstrations ( Julus ) and General Strikes (Bands) -The oppositional space of city, is not so much an emplotment, as a disruption of the government map. While one could argue that the desire for self-government stretches back to the time when Bhaktapur . . .
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[13] Pujari Math: Developing Tradition - You have walked through the mandala map, the tourist map, and the government map, as well as oppositional disrupted space. All of these play a pa . . .
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[14]The Peacock Restaurant: A Renaissance of Tradition - In 1976, the BDP decided that one way to increase employment would be to jump-start the tourist industry. To do this it was decided to make two of the renovated structures into restaurants. One restaurant was located across from the Pujari Ma . . .
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[15] Sewage Collection Ponds: Bikas (Development ) or Binas (Destruction)? - After finishing with the square, head down the main street toward the southwest (slightly downhill). It is about a 15-minute walk down this curving market street to Taumadhi Tol, Bhaktapur¹s third spectacular square. The road is . . .
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[16]Bhairavanath Temple: Concluding the Tour - Brief intro to the article would go here. Maybe the first two to three lines or the first paragraph. To entice reader to continue.
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Mandala Map

Tourist Map

Government Map

Pedestrian Tour Map

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Tacapa Map

Satellite Photograph

Map of Kathmandu Valley

Tacapa Map

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© 2001 Gregory Price Grieve , Site design by GDL Historical Laboratories.