(Re)colonizing Tradition
A Pedestrian Guide to a "Traditional" City
Welcome to Bhaktapur
[1] The Tea Stall at Guhepukhu
[2] Nava Durga Chitra Mandir
[3] Khauma Square
[4] Tourist Motor Park
[5] Indrani Pitha
[6]Lasku Dhwakha Gate
[7]Char Dham
[8]Cafe de Temple
[9]Batsala Temple
[10] Batsala Temple
[11] City Hall
[12] The Procession Route
[13] Pujari Math
[14] The Peacock Restaurant
[15] Sewage Collection Ponds
[16] Bhairavanath Temple
(Re)colonizing Tradition
Tradition is not found, but made. This site demonstrates that post-colonial global flows in Bhaktapur, Nepal have used the modern discourse of "tradition" to re - colonize the space of the city. To demonstrate how Bhaktapur has been re-colonized, and in attempt to de - colonize it, I walk the reader through the lived space of the cityå. As a radical pedestrian guide, the tour shuttles between lived social space, and the mandala , tourist and government maps.
Even with these maps, it is easy to get lost in Bhaktapur¹s maze of small lanes. And in attempt to model the experience of wandering through Bhaktapur, the style of this site mimes the city's labyrinth like structure. There is no correct way to wind your way through the site. But as a rule of thumb, just as Bhaktapur's procession route is effectively a long chain of straight segments, roughly paralleling Bhaktapur¹s boundaries, the sixteen main pages (what I've called the contexts) of the site will guide you in the general direction of my argument.

 Mandala Map
 Tourist Map
 Government Map
 Pedestrian Tour Map
 Bhaktapur Durbar Square
 Tacapa Map
 Satellite Photograph
 Kathmandu Valley